New video exploring one piece of the indispensable furniture of the Lodge.


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Nearly 6 months ago, on the day of the August, 2017, solar eclipse, I launched a project to publish the third book in the Symbolic Lodge series, The Master Mason. And, (almost) to the date of the January, 2018, lunar eclipse, that book went out to its backers and is available now to the public.

What a long road. After a series of unforeseen setbacks, life creeping up and doing what it does best and a few tweaks to the material — The Master Mason, A Treatise on the Third Degree of Freemasonry is ready to become a reality.

Of the many emblems of Freemasonry, none is more iconic that the lambskin apron. Alien outside of the lodge, under the tiled lodge it represents the totality of what it means to be a Mason.

In this episode we look at a reading of Frank C. Higgins from The Beginning of Masonry. In this piece, Higgins explores the philosophical relationship of God and Freemasonry.

New video exploring one piece of the indispensable furniture of the Lodge.

The first rung in the theological ladder, Faith in Freemasonry is defined as "the evidence of things not seen." No less important than Hope and Charity, Faith is one of the first essential qualities essential to the qualification of a candidate.

Why Does Freemasonry Use Odd Symbols? Part 7 in the What is Freemasonry, series.

Skulls, architectural tools, mallets, aprons...

What is Freemasonry? Part 6 - Why is Freemasonry a Ritual Practice? What makes something a “ritual?” Is it an evil connotation? Something sinister? Why then is Freemasonry considered a ritual practice? How could something so full of moral virtues practice something ritualistic?

So we wondered, why

What is Freemasonry? - Part 4 - Is Freemasonry a Patriotic Body? A common connotation of Freemasonry is that it is a patriotic organization.

Drop in and visit: On Twitter: @masonictraveler On Facebook: On the web at

Drop in and visit:On Twitter: @masonictraveler

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February 10th, 2017

First of a new series.

January 14th, 2017

Part four of a reading of Morals and Dogma, The Fellowcraft.

Part three of a reading of Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma - The Fellowcraft.

Part 2 of a four part video series on Albert Pike's reading in Morals and Dogma - The Fellowcraft

Video one of a four part series.

From Albert G. Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, this installment of Symbols & Symbolism presents his exploration of the All-Seeing Eye.

An important symbol of the Supreme Being, borrowed by the Freemasons from the nations of antiquity.

In this installment of Symbols and Symbolism, we look at a reading from Albert G. Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry on the Christianization of Freemasonry, a sentiment that Mackey feels "... does not belong to the ancient system" of Freemasonry.

In this installment of Symbols & Symbolism, we look at a reading from Albert G. Mackey’s Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, on the infamously nefarious figure of Baphomet – the alleged false idol of the knights Templar and one of the key instruments of their undoing by Pope Clement.

Drop in and visit:

On Twitter: @masonictraveler

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I wanted to make a quick announcement that I've just recently kicked off a campaign for my next book in the Masonic Degree Series appropriately titled Fellow of the Craft.

This work continues the journey of its predecessor, TheApprentice, in tracing the path of becoming a Freemason.

This is a cross post from what was originally published on Freemason Information.

At last, the little project is complete. After months (and years) of conceiving, studying, plotting, writing and then assembling my little endeavor into the Great Work has come into the world.

Dear friends and brothers, this is a little project I am trying to get up off the ground.

I'm hoping it might be something you find interesting or worthy of your support.

A deadline is necessary, some kind of artificial starting point for when to begin an undertaking such as this. What that deadline will entail, or accomplish will be formulated now.

I've had a strange phenomenon going on for the last year and a half.

It's probably gone on much longer, but I can say for sure that I've noticed it more in the last 18 months than I had before.

I was surprised (and inspired) at the responses I received on the idea of the creation of a Hermetic Circle.

One would think that, based upon the comments (or lack thereof), that there was no response.

It's time to re-open the earth.  This muddy field has lain barren and empty for so long, while the tiller has used his plow to turn other distant fields.  In case you're still listening to this distant outpost of the esoteric, I need to get some things off my chest and re-sow the field.

Masonic Temple 02 a photo by JaegerHund3 on Flickr.

Beautiful image of the George Washington memorial at night.


Masonic Temple Alexandria VA a photo by fredneck2010 on Flickr.

Beautiful shot of the building.


Masonic aprons a photo by Golden Striker on Flickr.


Old Masonic Sign a photo by M.V. Jantzen on Flickr.

I love old photography, and I love old signs. Found this one on a walk through Flickr.


Was I wrong?

Its been a while since I darkened the door here. I had moved to another place and was applying myself to the Great Work in the thought that it was a right and proper direction, and I think for a time it was, but somethings changed.


An update of Masonry in the news

Google Blogs Alert for: "masonic"

Missed an episode of Masonic Central? Catch up on our new site and listen to past program!


I just ran across the title of this piece on a prominent website promoting the fraternity of Freemasonry.

I suppose its true, men can't join the fraternity, unless we ask...

But, since when do we ask people to join?

Oh, wait, Craft Lodge Freemasonry doesn't ask, but the Shrine....


by Hans Christian Anderson

This parable came to mind after reading the recent story on the Royal Order of Jesters.

The comparison is between the actions of these brothers and their affiliation with the Shrine.

What if...

What if this blog came back to life?

What if, it looked into more than Freemasonry?

What if, from the order out of chaos, chaos really didn't go anywhere.

I think I may start posting here again...

Watch this space.


And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. 4 God saw that the light was good, and He separated the light from the darkness.

Genesis 1:3-4

This is the last post on this blog.

It’s not because of any problems, or edicts dictating its existence, nothing so nefarious.


Sometimes, it’s necessary for a change.

You paint the walls, get new carpet, or even buy a new car all because you just need to see or do something differently. At its worst it means a divorce or separation because things are not working out.

None of those are the case here.


Have you ever wanted to know what the sinister Satan sounds like? Apparently, he put out an album with Pentecostal preacher A.A. Allen.


A warm and fraternal congratulations to our brother, and my friend, Fred Milliken on his acceptance of the position of Executive Director with Phoenix Masonry.

My public reply to brother Fred:

I wish you much luck, and my warmest congratulations.


This is an article I stumbled onto this morning that comes out of Florida. Its a short piece, but an interesting one as it is about the past reality and present perception of the modern nature of Freemasonry.

Essentially, is Freemasonry a racist institution.

Its been a while, so lets catch up with the Brick Testament.

What makes this trip interesting is that now, we can follow along the story of Solomon and the construction of the temple.


Los Angeles has a rich history.


There are a lot of Anti-Masonic sites out there. Some brothers have even coined the phrase Masonicphobes, but I don't think that quite encapsulates the the idea of groups openly against the fraternity and more specifically like to point it out as being heretical to their way of thinking.

1° Tracing Board
1° Tracing Board
1° Tracing Board
Modern Masonic Board 2006
2° Tracing Board
2° Tracing Board
2° Tracing Board
Modern Masonic Board 2007
3° Tracing Board
3° Tracing Board
3° Tracing Board
Modern Masonic Board 2008
Blog Archive
As above ... so below
As above ... so below
This site is dedicated to the further discovery of Light within Freemasonry. Its goal and purpose is to pursue a personal understanding of the divine in the context of the relativism of man and his nihilistic individuality.
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Study what thou art, whereof thou art a part, what thou knowest of this art, this is really what thou art. All that is without thee is also within, thus wrote Trismosin
Splendor Solis

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