I was surprised (and inspired) at the responses I received on the idea of the creation of a Hermetic Circle.
One would think that, based upon the comments (or lack thereof), that there was no response. Yet, still I received more than a few private notes expressing a need and an interest in this type of society.
But what form should this Hermetic Circle take? What should it do? Should it just be a society of association? A union of like-minded people knowing that there are like-minded people out there in the world?
So, rather than paint such an idea in the hues I think best, I believe its function should inform its form. What exactly would a Hermetic Circle do or be?
As Wright said, what is the spiritual union between function and form in the Hermetic Circle?
Should it resemble a study circle, with recommended books to read and observations on its elements? Or, should it take on aspects of its fraternal siblings and suppose itself to be a contemporary society of secret wisdom?
Should it meet, or can it be content in knowing that it exists without the insecure need to gather in covens, cabals or lodges to plot or plan the next book selection?
As the basis of a trans-polytheistic society, should it espouse this belief, and interact with humankind with that ideal in mind? Or, can it simply radiate this tenant as a part of its existence? Can a Hermetic Circle communicate its ideas through the very fiber of its existence?
Would it be fair to say that the Hermetic Circle sees all faith as universal, making universal faith the true path?
How does this express itself in the broader universe over mountains and seas?
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