I am Lucifer...
Have you ever wanted to know what the sinister Satan sounds like? Apparently, he put out an album with Pentecostal preacher A.A. Allen.
1Congratulations to brother Fred Milliken
A warm and fraternal congratulations to our brother, and my friend, Fred Milliken on his acceptance of the position of Executive Director with Phoenix Masonry.
My public reply to brother Fred:
I wish you much luck, and my warmest congratulations.
What is the perception and what is the reality?
This is an article I stumbled onto this morning that comes out of Florida. Its a short piece, but an interesting one as it is about the past reality and present perception of the modern nature of Freemasonry.
Essentially, is Freemasonry a racist institution.
Brick Testament
Its been a while, so lets catch up with the Brick Testament.
What makes this trip interesting is that now, we can follow along the story of Solomon and the construction of the temple.
Do you hear the whispering behind your back?
There are a lot of Anti-Masonic sites out there. Some brothers have even coined the phrase Masonicphobes, but I don't think that quite encapsulates the the idea of groups openly against the fraternity and more specifically like to point it out as being heretical to their way of thinking.
1What would make a perfect Masonic website?
With nearly 500 posts to this blog, its without a doubt that the question above is one that I think about often.
4Bits and pieces of Freemasonry in the news today
It would seem quite a buzz in Jakarta about the Fraternity today.
Have you ever wanted to ask Moses a question?
I picked this this up from a short article in the Los Angeles Times today.
In this day and age, it may not be an easy feat to ask a Rabbi a question on topics of Judaica.