The new Bible called "the book"
There was an article on NPR's Marketplace yesterday that talked about a new high gloss slick designed Holy Bible called Bible Illuminated: The Book coming from, whose publisher Dag Soderberg released it in Sweden to a seemingly starving audience of believers to ashamed to carry
4Tom Jackson on the Masonic Central Pod Cast
I wanted to mention before it got to late in the day the excellent program with Tom Jackson last night on Masonic Central. And, I’m not saying this because I had the privilege of hosting it, but because of what he had to say.
Making at sight...
Some food for thought:
The Master, Wardens and Brethren of Antietam Lodge 197 cordially invite all Master Masons to join them on Wednesday the 29th of October at the Masonic Temple in Keedysville, MD at 7:00 pm to assist them and the most Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in Maryland, John Biggs, i
The Music of Freemasonry.
I had a unique opportunity recently to listen to the new CD The Temple of Humanity by musician and composer Harm Timmerman, who happens to be a Brother from Leeuwarden in The Netherlands.
Freemasonry and the British Empire
How exactly did Freemasonry become ubiquitous in the Anglo-Saxon west over the last three centuries? I say Anglo-Saxon in that it did not exclusively develop in western society but it has definitely had dominance in traditionally white British and America nations, ultimately reaching its zenith in t
1Rare masonic Texts in Cooperstown New York
This story comes from "The Daily Star"
Following the 701st anniversary of the demise of the Knights Templar, the Chancellor Robert R. Livingston Masonic Library of Grand Lodge will put on display a copy of a the text Processus Contra Templarios that they acquired in April.
E Clampus Vitus - Spoofing the spoof.
Have YOU ever heard of the The Ancient and Honorable Order of E Clampus Vitus (ECV)?
Neither had I. But there was a story about them in the New York Times today that linked their distant and ancient past to that of Freemasonries...
701 Years of Knight Templar philosophy...
This is the 701 year since the official end of the Knights Templar.
Last night we had a great conversation with a brother of imminent study on the Templars, Stephen Dafoe, and agreed that although we are linked in ideology, there is little link to Freemasonry and the infamous knights.
The Knights Templar and Freemasonry
Is Freemasonry an extension from the infamous Knights Templar who were sacked by the roman Catholic Church in 1307? For years as a Freemason I’ve wondered that very question, reading books that bordered on fantastical and getting that knowing wink from brothers who had already embraced that they wer
When in France...169 Freemasons Threatened With Expulsion
The original article appears here in the French journal Rue89.
The translation below comes from a brothers posting on a yahoo user group.
Ordo ab Chao - Freemasonry: The Digital Challenge
In my day job, I work in product development and branding. One of the most important lessons that I've picked up in this industry is that you can not allow others to dictate what your brand message is.
5Freemasonry and the Kybalion: IV. THE PRINCIPLE OF POLARITY
"Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled." -- The Kybalion.
Br. Nelson King hospatalized...
I just read a note in a web forum that brother Nelson King has been hospitalized earlier this evening and is in ICU undergoing a number of tests.
Stay tuned for more information as it comes available.
In the mean time, please put Brother King in your thoughts and prayers.
Religulous the movie – a review
Bill Maher is the reincarnation of Albert Pike...
Ok, I know, its a stretch...
I’m not a big fan of Maher. I’ve never really bought into the super liberal rhetoric of his past work.
Ode to technology...
My journey into the world of technology was meteoric. In a short semester of university I went from learning "old" school graphic design with wax rollers and felt tipped pens to using computers and then "state-of-the-art" software.
Freemasonry and the Kybalion - III. THE PRINCIPLE OF VIBRATION
"Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates." -- The Kybalion.
Freemasonry FAQ questions 27 - 32
At last we are at the conclusion in the on going series of Freemason Information Frequently Asked Questions series. For the complete list, please go to Freemason Information FAQ and examine all 32 question and answers.
Internet squirrels and Propoganda
Governments, both good and bad, for centuries have participated in the distribution of misinformation. Needless to say that it was fueled by a narcissistic machine that believed whole heatedly that they were righteous in their actions.