--> I wanted to send a quick recap on the two most recent pod-casts on Masonic Central. Only a short time since we started it up, were already at 5 shows on-line and another 6+ in the wings.


I just read a terrific post on the blog by Ed King.

I'll leave it to you to pick up and read, but his The Old Webmaster and the bonds of marriage, posted tonight, is probably one of the most touching examples of a brother being there for another.

Nicely done Br. King.


Visit the interior of the earth and rectifying, you will find the hidden stone.


I've been watching closely an exchange if ideas in a Yahoo group I started some time back. For those not familiar with it, it is the Freemason Information Yahoo group.

The discussion recently has turned to the validity and ownership of the Fraternity itself.


This is a cross post from the main site at FreemasonInformation.com from Br. Bryce. I'm curious to know what you think.

A Masonic Bill of Rights

When you enter the Masonic fraternity you tend to take a lot for granted.


Join me this Sunday, July 13th, at 9PM EST / 6PM PST on Masonic Central for an interview with the Author of the new book One Mountain, Many Paths.


Manly P. Hall is an enigma to 20th Century occult and philosophy. Born into a new century of development and industry, Hall inherited a passionate interest in all things metaphysical with a deep drive to find its place to mankind.


How wonderfully appropriate on this anniversary of the birth of the Nation that the ancestral home of Brother George was found, complete with potentially his very own Masonic emblem inscribed pipe.

First and foremost, Happy 4th of July.

PLEASE NOTE THE TIME: 6PM Pacific Standard Time/9PM Eastern!

Join me at Masonic Central this Sunday, July 6th as we interview Tom Accuosti from the Masonic blog the Tao of Masonry.

1° Tracing Board
1° Tracing Board
1° Tracing Board
Modern Masonic Board 2006
2° Tracing Board
2° Tracing Board
2° Tracing Board
Modern Masonic Board 2007
3° Tracing Board
3° Tracing Board
3° Tracing Board
Modern Masonic Board 2008
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As above ... so below
This site is dedicated to the further discovery of Light within Freemasonry. Its goal and purpose is to pursue a personal understanding of the divine in the context of the relativism of man and his nihilistic individuality.
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Study what thou art, whereof thou art a part, what thou knowest of this art, this is really what thou art. All that is without thee is also within, thus wrote Trismosin
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