One Mountain, Many Paths - Review and Recommendation
Recently, I was given the opportunity to read an advance copy of a new book by out of the blue.
One Mountain, Many Paths: Special Edition is an excellent read on a great many subjects.
Masonic Central – with John Ratcliff
This last weekend we recorded the third installment of Masonic Central with an interview with John Ratcliff of the blog JRatcliffscarab.
2Stonehenge redux
This came from an email today from Br. Milliken at the Beehive.
Amazing the ingenuity of man.
A few paces removed are the vestiges of ancient free stone masonry.
Theft in Chicago
This came across from one of the groups I belong to, and is good info to pass along to the membership.
1Ask Men
An interesting aside on today about the Freemasons.
Its ironic to me to think that Freemasonry has become the subject of such a list, but then it has not been in the fore of male couture lifestyle for some time.
Perhaps that’s a good thing.
Can a Christian be a Freemason?
This piece is in response to a post made by the author of the blog “Can a Christian Be a Freemason.”
An interesting question but with a simple answer.
In short, yes, a Christian can be a Freemason.
Solstice and Saint John the Baptist
I bid you a happy summer solstice. As the sun reaches its meridian height and takes its victorious place over the defeated night, we enter into the mid year season and the ushering in of summer.
1Masonic Central, this Sunday at 12n EST / 9am PST with guest John Ratcliff
Please Note the earlier time.
Join us this Sunday, June 22nd, at 9am PST on Masonic Central with Freemason and blogger John Ratcliff of the Masonic blog at
Your Help and Assistance
This is a message I received today from, through a brother, from the Master of Moreno Valley Lodge regarding the family of our late brother Theron Dunn. Your attention and assistance is being requested.
Where and when I least expect it.
Some weekends go by with nary a blip of anything Masonic. Even the news feeds I subscribe to are fairly bland and only pick up on a few twice removed articles on the craft.
This past weekend, well, it was a Masonic doozy, partially manufactured by my own hand, partially just out of the blue.
enough with this grand high exalted mystic boobery
What its about in West Virginia
"In October 2006, at the annual statewide meeting of the Grand Lodge in Wheeling, when his tenure was about to end, Mr. Haas presented a bloc of amendments designed to modify rules that no longer made sense (if they ever did).
Masonic Central - Episode 2 with Tim Bryce
Last night, Sunday, June 15th, I had the chance to interview Br.
2Who wants to go to the Movies...
Thanks to a good friend of mine at the LABrainTerrain, who mentioned this to me today, I wanted to pass on to you, if your in L.A. or within driving distance, something I recommend for this Sunday:
Occult L.A.
Los Angeles has long been home to one of America’s most powerful occult scenes.
Freemasonry's Mark on Idaho
Slow in the inter web these days, with schools nearing their final bell and everyone prepping for the hot days of summer.
When Print is Just Not Enough
Some times, print is just not enough। So, In keeping with our love of technology, we decided to go audio. When you have some time, give us a listen.
When you have time, drop in to our new blog and let us know what you think।
Masonic Central.
More on the Masonic FAQ - Questions 16-20
More in the on going series of the masonic Frequently Asked Questions. For the complete list, please go to Freemason Information FAQ and examine all 32 answers.
Have more picnics.
I watched a film today called "10 questions for the Dali Lama".
In its simplest of terms, it was a film that was a biography of the 14th Dali Lama of Tibet and his history as that countries political and spiritual leadership.