More on Numbers…
If you haven’t already had a chance to look at them, I recommend that you check out the Pew Research data that was released the other day. The numbers are really telling.
This post began as a conversation with a brother who is a part of the Toronto Society for Masonic Research.
The shifting sands…
I hope any of you reading this have already heard this story on the news or on the NPR news wire. The story is on a chunk of research that the Pew institute released yesterday that detailed the religious affiliation of the American public and explores the shifts taking place in the U.S.
1Masonic Carrots
OK, I get some interesting emails every now and then, a lot of which that are just junk.
But yesterday, I received a note that necessitated a reply. The note was rather long winded with lots of shouting that started with this paragraph...
The Detroit Masonic gets a new manager.
Some times the ones who builder it are not the best manager of it. I know this because a lodge I am a part of has had a lot of trouble lately managing its own affairs. but even when there is will enough, sometimes there is just not a way to do it.
1Bad, but good...
I know there is a lot of Catholic bashing that goes on here and in other Masonic quarters. I think its been declared an unofficial past time of Masonry for a while now.
1the "Great Seal"
This has been a topic that we've talked about quite a lot around here over the years. Yet again, out comes the conversation about the Great Seal of the United States.
THE GOLDEN RULE by Norman Rockwell
I've come across this in the past and every time I did, I thought I would try and capture the essence of it and re convey it for others to see.
The Prince of Mercy...
This is a blog I stumbled on earlier today. The post was about Freemasonry as religion: baptism, and a bread and wine meal. Really, it was a pull toward Pike, and his analysis of the 26th Degree, the "Prince of Mercy".