One thousand
I wanted to just give a shout to say that my original site Freemason Information is 1000 days old today. Having undergone several face lifts, it still strives to be a beacon of light to those seeking some information on the fraternity of Freemasonry.
3I'm a Climber
I've gone and done it, I'm a climber...
I didn't mean to do it, like any duty, this was foisted upon me against my will. I'm so ashamed...
Trick or Treat
OK, maybe its a sign of the times, or the ultimate symbol of veneration, but it would seem that you can now impersonate a Mason at your next costume party, or Halloween get together.
On a web safari, somehow, some way I found myself smack dab into this one.
More questions from the new Freemason FAQ
This is the next installment of the 32 frequently asked questions about Freemasonry. This is question 5 and 6 in the line up, and as before, I would be interested to hear your thoughts on them.
1January 16th, 2008
I knew I had my own issues, and from a distance, under a big top, I was cool. But it seems, that the University of Sheffield conducted a study and found that kids really DON’T like clowns as much as we adults thought they did.
2No Country for Old Men… some spoilers
I was sheriff of this county when I was twenty-five. Hard to believe. Grandfather was a lawman. Father too. Me and him was sheriff at the same time, him in Plano and me here. I think he was pretty proud of that. I know I was.
Some of the old-time sheriffs never even wore a gun.
Have we improved our Craft...?
aedifico42 at posted a challenge a day or so ago asking in what book did the quote below originate from.
The quote was from a text called Hermetic Masonry, written by Frank Higgins.
More on the Freemason F.A.Q.
This is the next installment of the 32 questions about Freemasonry. This is question 2 and 3 in the line up, and i would be interested to hear your thoughts on them. They are again in response to past questions that I have received at from non-masons.