Faith in Freemasonry
Mackey, in the Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, defines Faith as:
In the theological ladder, the explanation of which forms a part of the instruction of the First Degree of Masonry, faith is said to typify the lowest round.
Good Yule to you and yours.
A bit of holiday trivia from wikipedia.
The Yule log has frequently been associated with having its origins in the historical Germanic paganism which was practiced across northern Europe prior to Christianisation.
Masonic Institutionalism
This quick paper came to mind following a posting by Silence Doogood's recent article on The Middle Chamber called Masonic Witch Hunts.
Saint John’s Day is coming... December 27th is the feast day of Saint John the Evangelist, it also marks the changing of the season, from autumn to winter, and the closing out the celestial cycle with the metaphorical death of the sun. The solstice is December 21st.
Adaptive reuse
This came in on a news alert I have set up, but it isn’t so much an alert as it was disheartening. I very much agree with public space and reuse of out of date structures in that space. Time progresses forward and new generations need to reuse the old.
16Freemasonry and the Fabric of America
For a time this video was being shown to brothers in my local Rite between the degrees.
Its an interesting lecture.
Notes from the Beehive
This was a response to a piece that a very good brother of mine, Br. Fred Milliken, wrote in response to the recent Masonic Central Pod Cast with R.W. Michael Anderson of the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Texas.
8David Greilsammer performs a musical exploration of Freemasonry and Kabbalah
If your in New York on the 11th, this may be something of interest to you as a reader of this blog to check out.
David Greilsammer, artistic director, piano, conductor, is to perform a musical exploration of Freemasonry and Kabbalah.
You're either a Freemason or a Shriner...not both.
The rending of the parts seems to be under way, like a piece of an iceberg calving away from a larger ice sheet. This is happening in a place far away to most "Regular" Masons as its not in most of our backyards.
You never know where you'll find a mention of Freemasonry, overtly or covertly, these days. This one was the latter but seemed a minor plot point that has since evaporated into the either.
I am Thankful
Happy Thanksgiving.
Hope in Freemasonry
Mackey, in the Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, aptly (but narrowly) defines Hope as:
The second round in the theological and Masonic ladder, and symbolic of a hope in immortality.
The inadvertent advertising on Oprah
A week or so ago my wife was watching a TiVo'd episode of Oprah and I happened to be watching it with her. The show was on young children and their phenomenal talents for their ages, in a historic sense mini Mozart's.
1Religion Facts
Just stumbled across an interesting resource for those out there doing any Masonic (or otherwise) research.
3Br. Chris Hodapp on Masonic Central today!
Just a bit of cross promotion for the program today.
The Masonic Extended Family
I had an interesting experience yesterday while getting some Masonic materials bound together at FedEx/Kinkos.
What happened was the girl behind the counter who helped me noticed that the materials I had were from the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry which prompted her to ask me if I was a Freemason.
The LIFE of Freemasonry in GOOGLE
Thanks Brother Fred of The Beehive for the heads up on the new Google/Life magazine project to archive their decades of imagery.
I gave it a cursory exploration and brought back some nuggets from that journey.
Click on any of the images for a larger view.
I happened upon this late one evening while doing some research on another project. What I found was a website that just sells Fez’s, and was rightly named Fez-O-Rama.
3Steampunk Freemasonry
Are Traditional Observance Lodges a “Steampunk” response to modern Freemasonry?
The title, on fist glance, may seem like a slight, but it certainly is not intended as one.
Freemasonry and the Kybalion – Final Thoughts
"As above, so below; as below, so above." -- The Kybalion
MY THOUGHTS being once seriously busied about things that are, and my Understanding lifted up, all my bodily Senses being exceedingly holden back, as it is with them that are heavy of sleep, by reason either of fulness of meat, or of bodily
To present a color of Masonic authority
I’ve noticed recently the degree of chatter on the rise in areas typically a no-go for Masonic lodges, namely religion and politics.
1Freemasonry and the Kybalion - VII. THE PRINCIPLE OF GENDER
"Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on all planes." -- The Kybalion
This Principle embodies the truth that there is GENDER manifested in everything--the Masculine and Feminine Principles ever at work.
We know nothing accurately in reality...
Democritus 460 BCE
"The Laughing Philosopher"
This man has nothing to do with the election, nor does he have anything to do with Democracy. But, like all great Greek philosophers from 2500 years ago, he has some great maxims.
Is John McCain a Freemason?
It seems like a lot of people are plugging this question into Google search these days as the election looms.
4The new Bible called "the book"
There was an article on NPR's Marketplace yesterday that talked about a new high gloss slick designed Holy Bible called Bible Illuminated: The Book coming from, whose publisher Dag Soderberg released it in Sweden to a seemingly starving audience of believers to ashamed to carry
4Tom Jackson on the Masonic Central Pod Cast
I wanted to mention before it got to late in the day the excellent program with Tom Jackson last night on Masonic Central. And, I’m not saying this because I had the privilege of hosting it, but because of what he had to say.
Making at sight...
Some food for thought:
The Master, Wardens and Brethren of Antietam Lodge 197 cordially invite all Master Masons to join them on Wednesday the 29th of October at the Masonic Temple in Keedysville, MD at 7:00 pm to assist them and the most Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in Maryland, John Biggs, i
The Music of Freemasonry.
I had a unique opportunity recently to listen to the new CD The Temple of Humanity by musician and composer Harm Timmerman, who happens to be a Brother from Leeuwarden in The Netherlands.
Freemasonry and the British Empire
How exactly did Freemasonry become ubiquitous in the Anglo-Saxon west over the last three centuries? I say Anglo-Saxon in that it did not exclusively develop in western society but it has definitely had dominance in traditionally white British and America nations, ultimately reaching its zenith in t
1Rare masonic Texts in Cooperstown New York
This story comes from "The Daily Star"
Following the 701st anniversary of the demise of the Knights Templar, the Chancellor Robert R. Livingston Masonic Library of Grand Lodge will put on display a copy of a the text Processus Contra Templarios that they acquired in April.
E Clampus Vitus - Spoofing the spoof.
Have YOU ever heard of the The Ancient and Honorable Order of E Clampus Vitus (ECV)?
Neither had I. But there was a story about them in the New York Times today that linked their distant and ancient past to that of Freemasonries...
701 Years of Knight Templar philosophy...
This is the 701 year since the official end of the Knights Templar.
Last night we had a great conversation with a brother of imminent study on the Templars, Stephen Dafoe, and agreed that although we are linked in ideology, there is little link to Freemasonry and the infamous knights.