Frederick Louis MAYTAG
This story broke today, but it was something that had been coming. Its not an exciting story or some bit or sound bite that elicits an ooooh or an ahhhh. Really, its a pretty common tale today about another factory closure in a small town American.
1Explaning Pentagrams with Donald in Mathmagic Land
Not sure how long this will stay on YouTube, but for those who haven't seen it, I recommend you give it the time.
Keep your ears out for the "secret brotherhood" and the pentagram.
Institute for Hermetic Studies
I stumbled onto this site today looking for something else entirely.
The blog is an arm of the greater Institute for Hermetic Studies out of Wyoming, Pennsylvania, lead by Mark Stavish, the Director of Studies.
Masonic Magazine – RIP
With a hectic summer behind me, this is something I completely spaced on talking about. Masonic Magazine, a great independently published quarterly magazine, has stopped publication.
3To complex…
I’ve been fishing through half dozen or so books this last week for various reasons and a thought occurred to me.
1My Lambskin Apron
Lately I’ve taken to wearing of my own apron to lodge. After years of wearing the tattered house aprons, I decided to break out my own personal apron given to me on the day I first became a Mason. Doing so always felt like I was breaking some kind of taboo or something.