The work above is a modern representation of the second degree tracing boards of old. It is filled with metaphor and symbolism, fluent to all Fellowcraft Masons. A sub title for the piece is:
The First Degree Tracing boards were created as visual aids used to illustrate the meanings and principals of Freemasonry as taught within the degrees. Much of the symbolism is from the Western tradition, and has been adapted here for the modern mason.
In the image there are many symbolic and esoteric interpretations. With adapting this work, the most significant change is the positional change of the viewer, moving from an external passive observer to the primary participant actively engaged in the activity. This changing position positions the initiated as if within mirror from the reflector to the reflection. This movement inward becomes the focus of the degree, passive to active moving the self towards the divine.
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Your artwork is astounding!
ReplyDeleteHave you considered making them commercially available to Brethren and Lodges?
Keep up the wonderful work. I look forward to seeing what you will produce for the Master Mason's Degree.
Traveling Man
Wonderful work! Absolutely beautiful.
ReplyDeleteHave yo considered making your work commercially available to Lodges and individual Brethren?
I can't wait to see what you will come up with for the MM Degree.
Congratulations my Brother. My favourite charge is the 2nd Tracing Board and I feel you have done a good job on this personal interpretation......Navorser
ReplyDeleteExcellent artwork!! So when can I buy one?
ReplyDeleteBrother, this is beautiful work! I love the detail and the way you've used the symbols of the Craft. This work is just simply amazing. I, as well as others, cannot wait to see the 3rd Degree Tracing Board.
ReplyDeleteWhen you begin to sale these images (poster size hopefully), please let me know so that I may purchase them in support of your work.
Wonderful work Brother, . . . wonderful work.
What program did you use to create these images?
My initiation, passing and raising took place in a small but very vibrant Lodge in a remote corner of Australia. After a cyclone destroyed our Lodge we rebuilt and begged, borrowed an almost (stole) fittings and furniture which gave us an almost mystical finish...your tracing boards would have been a joy to install and a delight to our wide aged group of Brethren.
ReplyDeleteBrother MT,
ReplyDeleteI am looking for the 3-5-7 symbol of the winding stair case in the FC lecture?
Brother T, look to the center, the spoked wheel in the center has the emblems of the different steps. With the change in metaphor, the emblem took on a different look.
ReplyDeleteI've got to say, my friend, you're artwork is astounding. I have stumbled across it before on random searches, but never with the time to really sit back and take it all in. -I would happily use these in the lodge room.
ReplyDeletePeace profound be to you. May you go on to inspire with the 3rd degree board.
Wonderful, and beutiful!!!! In Spanish I would say: "Una obra digna de ser admirada y analizada para obtener todo su significado"
ReplyDeleteThank you my Brother for this exccelet piece of art.
Agradezco la dedicasión que pones en la elaboración a tan bellas piezas de arte, nuestro Hermano MM.'. Alejandro Yañez-Arancibia de la Log.'. "Pleno Día número 3" ha elaborado un trazado de arquitectura usando como modelo estos Tableros, los cuales nos ilustran con singular elocuencia la forma de aprendizaje de un Compañero Masón. Recibe mis felicitaciones y fraternal abrazo.