God does not want you to read this book.
I’m sure someone has already championed this fight, but I wanted to convey that the courts in Georgia apparently disagree with God.
3Masonic Scholarship
This holiday weekend, while the United States pays homage to its fallen soldiers and slowly slides into summer, the topic of Freemasonry in scholarship was being discussed in the far away halls of Scotland.
1Monetizing Masonry. First in a series.
I just posted a recent field trip to the bay area and had made mention of the beautiful Masonic Center atop Nob Hill, when today in my news filter, I get a story about the Masonic Grand Lodge auditorium website.
2Dan Brown's mistakes
I bumped into this story this morning from a few days back. Mentioned on the Southern Knight’s blog (someone else I’ve totally missed).
It would seem, and I could be wrong, but the United Grand Lodge of England is not stowing the cup of Christ in the cupboard.
Asleep at the wheel
I’ve been lax in recommending friends, brothers, and others that I’ve been reading, thinking about and otherwise feel you should be aware of too. I can’t take any credit for finding any of them, and have talked to only a handful, but they all are contributors to modern Freemasonry.
2The NWO rant…
This is a recent comment from a post of mine on house Resolution 33, the Congressional resolution to recognize Freemasonry as a contributing force to the foundation of America.
3This week’s symbolism class…
This last week I had the opportunity to teach a symbolism class to some of the brothers of my local lodge, Hollywood #355. The class and presentation was on the interpretation of the first degree through the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, of the Southern jurisdiction, by Albert Pike.
2Who’s Listening?
NPR ran a story on the Saturday Weekend Edition program that talked about Freemasonry at a Scottish Rite event. The story was about the revitalization of Freemasonry and its past, present and future.
But it appears that Freemason’s are not the only ones to hear and mention the story.
Freemasonry on NPR today
NPR today posted another audio story today on the "brotherhood". NPR's Rachel Martin goes "in-depth" into the why men gather as Masons.
The old illusions of "pagan agendas" seems to surface early on as the bad wrap of the fraternity keeps on rolling.
When Vanished Vanished.
I wanted to give some closure to a post I made last year about a FOX television program called “Vanished” that surreptitiously lived up to its name in December of ‘06. Like a wisp of smoke in a breeze, this past fall after a dismal end run Vanished silently Vanished.