Public Lectures
Earlier this month, I was nominated to the Chairman position of Masonic Formation Committee in my lodge.
3Oprah and the secret of "the Secret"
My wife TiVo's Oprah, and on occasion I watch it with her at night when we get home from work.
3Intuitive Symbols
I ran across this article this morning. Its from a few days back, so I must of been asleep at the wheel...
My brother at Prosperos Books found an article in Scientific American about child development and symbolic thinking.
New Face To Brother George
Something new is afoot at the U.S. Mint.
Not a paper printing snafu, or a overrun of green ink. It seems that the U.S.
Theodor Seuss Geisel, 1904-1991
by W:.Tim Bryce, PM, MPS
Palm Harbor, Florida, USA
"A Foot Soldier for Freemasonry"
"Evil (ignorance) is like a shadow - it has no real substance of it own, it is simply a lack of light.
I had wanted to see this happen...
It seems Layfayette-Greylock lodge has a ghost. Several even.
At some point I had heard about this lodge being haunted, but I can't remember from where or when.
Recent Venom
This is just some recent anti-Masonic venom from some past posts. It seems they didn't like the recent house Resolution 33. I don't often to attract this, but sometimes; the moths come in when I leave the back door open.
Content, profanity and typo's intact.
Anonymous said...
The Three Black Cubes...
Sometimes, things in the lodge seem unfair. Why do "they" get to always do that job? How come "those guys" always sit there together? "Why" don't I get that opportunity?
I witnessed a rare valuable lesson last week with two edges of the blade.
The NFL and Freemasonry.
Ok, so there isn't really a connection with the NFL and Freemasonry, but I though the two names together today would really go hand in hand. But the story does in some ways pertain to what you can do with the NFL, and as a Freemason, this may be interesting.