NASCAR and the selling off of Freemasonry
Ok, I've written about this already, as have a few other bloggers.
From previous posts, The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Southern Jurisdiction, has bought sponsorship to a 2007 Busch Series NASCAR, for the going rate of $10,000,000 follars.
Masonic Survey
This is a quick one today.
I'm interested to know more about you, in a broader sense of you and Freemasonry.
If you have the time, I would love to hear what you think about Freemasonry.
Take my Survey: What we, as Freemasons do
I appreciate your help.
Material Culture Redux.
I found this on an anti-mason site, who was pointing this video out as an appeasement to Freemasonry to get discovered. But as a Freemason, I've listened to them for a while now...
It seems the band Mastodon has a Masonic fetish.
Resolution "33" Update.
I had the opportunity to speak, through email, with a representative of Congressman Gilmor's office the day before yesterday.
For those who don't remember, House Resolution 33 is a proposed Congressional Resolution to recognizing Freemasonry as a historic contributor to our society.
Happy Birthday Brother Franklin.
A quick reminder from the Wonkette this morning.
Happy Birthday Brother Franklin, ok, one day late...
I had mentioned this last year at Franklin's tercentary, or 300th birthday, but it's that time of year once again.
Open source Freemasonry.
I ran across an article today from NewAssignment.Net buy Eric Krangel. That article talked about the relatively new idea of open source religion, and how it is starting to gain some traction in a society fast loosing its interest in dictated dogma.
1House Resolution "33"
This was interesting.
I found this from on Brother Tom Accousti's Tao of Freemasonry the other day, but have not had the time to dig into it more until now. It seems that Republican Representative Paul E.
Actions, not our advertising...
This is a subject that I have been sitting on for a while. I've actually thought about what the implications are, and what it means for the larger fraternity, but it seems the advertising of Freemasonry goes beyond the local billboards I've been finding around Los Angeles lately.
5Masonic Booster
Ok, I admit it, I am a Masonic Booster. I like to promote and build the image of Freemasonry through this blog and a website. But I also am a firm believer in Freemasonry in the community.
I ran across this piece this morning and wanted to give it a mention. Some may be offended, some angry, but I really think this is an excellent perspective of our culture.
2Follow up to the passing of Brother Ford.
Since the news of Brother Gerald Ford's passing, I have read several e-mails that have asked what Masonic Rites he was given as an art of his passing.
To my knowledge, there have been no official Masonic Funeral Rites given to him in a public ceremony as such.