Saint John’s Day Table Lodge
This past weekend, my lodge held a Table Lodge, also referred to as a Festive Board. I wanted to make a brief mention of it as it was anciently dedicated to St. John the Evangelist, as one of the two patron feat days that Freemasons are to hold important.
National Treasure II review with spoilers.
I didn’t want to wait; I wanted to see it on opening night, to see if there were as many Masonic inclusions in it that the previews alluded to.
Ramses subduing his enemies - Temple of Ramses- Egypt
Enemies List
by W:.Tim Bryce, PM, MPS
Palm Harbor, Florida, USA
"A Foot Soldier for Freemasonry"
"Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer."
- Sun-tzu, Chinese general & military strategist (-400 BC)
Masonic Week
Not sure if its been popping up in the blogs or message boards recently, but I wanted to make a mention that Masonic Week is fast approaching for 2008. Presently it is scheduled for February 7th thru 9th.
Alas, I have yet to make to Masonic Week, but have heard that it is something to attend.
History of the Pentagram
I stumbled on this today floating through the digital either.
As an abstract, it is a brief history of the use of the pentagram.
Episcopal diocese in California votes to secede
The Episcopal Church and its recent troubles have in no way encompassed Freemasonry. In fact, the two have nothing to do with one another.
It is, however, possible to look at the first shot across the pew to hit the papers today as an example of things to come. From the L.A.
The “other” National Treasure....
With the upcoming National Treasure film, its no wonder that more and more stories don’t start making their way out into the news.
2Freemasony in Latin America
I just stumbled across this new item and thought it would be of some interest.
For those who do not know, Freemasonry is very big in Latin America.
...Heritage slipping away
I found this article by chance. It has nothing to do with Freemasonry, but the questions it asks could easily be retooled to ask about Freemasonry.
Something old, something new…
...something borrowed, something blue. My “other” site has just undergone a major face lift, and I'd be curious to know what you think. Its a little different than before, but it has all the info it did before.
3Spilled "Holy Blood" from a Fallen "Holy Grail"
Writer who sued over Da Vinci Code dies
LONDON - Richard Leigh, a writer of alternative history who unsuccessfully sued for plagiarism over themes in Dan Brown's blockbuster novel "The Da Vinci Code," has died, his agent said Friday. He was 64.
The Grand Lodge of All England
With all the furor recently on who recognizes who and what lodge affiliates with what, I am surprised that were not seeing more Grand Lodges springing up to get into the action, like they do in France.
9Of Revolutions and Reforms
I had received this last week. It is a position paper of sorts that really looks at the present state and disposition of modern masonry and offers some insight to how we might effect some change.
I think it’s a very good paper and offers much by way of food for thought.
The FOX network is hard at work again, vilifying the Freemasons, or at least appropriating the mythology and vestments of the gentle fraternity for their shows.
3Frederick Louis MAYTAG
This story broke today, but it was something that had been coming. Its not an exciting story or some bit or sound bite that elicits an ooooh or an ahhhh. Really, its a pretty common tale today about another factory closure in a small town American.
1Explaning Pentagrams with Donald in Mathmagic Land
Not sure how long this will stay on YouTube, but for those who haven't seen it, I recommend you give it the time.
Keep your ears out for the "secret brotherhood" and the pentagram.
Institute for Hermetic Studies
I stumbled onto this site today looking for something else entirely.
The blog is an arm of the greater Institute for Hermetic Studies out of Wyoming, Pennsylvania, lead by Mark Stavish, the Director of Studies.
Masonic Magazine – RIP
With a hectic summer behind me, this is something I completely spaced on talking about. Masonic Magazine, a great independently published quarterly magazine, has stopped publication.
3To complex…
I’ve been fishing through half dozen or so books this last week for various reasons and a thought occurred to me.
1My Lambskin Apron
Lately I’ve taken to wearing of my own apron to lodge. After years of wearing the tattered house aprons, I decided to break out my own personal apron given to me on the day I first became a Mason. Doing so always felt like I was breaking some kind of taboo or something.
7Quick mention from NPR's Marketplace today.
This just broadcast on NPR's marketplace. The story was a piece on the declining numbers in service clubs.
Their Headline:
Service clubs have a long and proud tradition in this country -- Shriners and their work for children's hospitals, along with Moose and Elks Clubs.
Their eternal union as well as their farewell.
I took a trip recently to the "Getty Villa" a museum/gallery here in Los Angeles.
2La Nouvelle Théologie
I found links to two articles today, posted on a recently found blog called La Nouvelle Théologie (which I highly recommend you check it out).
3What's up doc? You wascally wabbit.
I found this over on The Freemason blog from Brother Jay Protacio this morning. I have to admit, I haven’t seen it yet. I’ll probably wait for the DVD, but if you have, let me know what you think.
But can anyone tell me what Paul Giamatti's character "Mr.
OBEY your copyright.
The Shrine is being ripped off.The clothing giant OBEY, famous for its Andre the Giant like stickers and posters, has a style in the apparel line that looks strangely like the Shrine Scimitar, Moon and Star logo.
brotherly love, RELIEF, truth
Just a quick ¢.02 on the giving of Relief.
A non-Masonic friend sent this to me today and I thought it was the one of the easiest ways to do something for someone else with the least amount of work.
Congressman Paul Gilmor and HR 33
I wanted to take a moment and say that Congressman Paul Gilmor(R) from Ohio, has passed away on September 5th 2007. A memorial was held in state for him in the Ohio capitol of Columbus.
Dogma - Is YOUR pastor a Freemason?
Is your pastor a Freemason?
Seems to be the question de'jour at the Fundamentalist website Spiritual Pathways Ministry website. Ironic site name given such a narrow dogmatic view of spiritualism.
LUCIFER, the Light-bearer!
The Apocalypse is, to those who receive the nineteenth Degree, the Apotheosis of that Sublime Faith which aspires to God alone, and despises all the pomps and works of Lucifer.
2Let them eat cheese...
Read this on the Burning Taper, and found a mention of it in the press. The Grand Orient de France (GODF) rejected the entrance of women into the mysteries of Masonry. I know, not a big headline. But pay attention, as it is important none the less.
2In West Virginia, who wags who?
West Virginia, is that this the first shot?
These quotes come to mind...
Buried Treasure...
Just the briefest of stories this morning that I ran across on a Masonic news sweep.
A one time Masonic lodge, sold and in the process of being refurbished, is about to have its corner stone time capsule opened and examined after having been buried for 82 years.
“…contemplate and understand the deeper meaning…”
Sorry for the slow posting, it’s been to hot, I have been busy, and frankly haven’t had anything interesting to say lately. Something I did find interesting was an article in JUXTAPOZ magazine interviewing artist Mike Giant.
1Second Degree Masonic Tracing Board
A little more than a year ago I worked on and produced a piece of art as a modern representation of the First Degree Tracing Board. A year later, after much consideration, I would like to publish my interpretation of the 2nd Degree Tracing Board.
11The LIZARDS An Illuminati Conspiracy
This came from a post off of the three pillars, thanks Parisfred!
Not entirely Masonic, but still fun.