Colorado Freemason

New Blog on the block. I stumbled into it without really realizing it.

Great read and an interesting story to tell, probably one like so many of our own.

I ran across this 7 part series a few weeks back, and have been waiting for its conclusion and time to talk about it. Really, what this series strikes me as is the anecdotal revelation of a failed evangelical minister, but I hate to cast any dispersion on the author.


A new exhibit at the home of George Washington on Mount Vernon is opening with a flavor to de-diefy George Washington and try to project him as a the mortal he was.

This last week I was asked to give an interview, based on a recent comment I made about a blog post.

The original post was about a fellow who visited a Masonic Lodge in Amsterdam during an open house.

I found this post from Br. Hodapp's blog this morning, which came to me as a huge shock.

It seems another source of Masonic light has been extinguished, or, at least for now, been shuttered for a time.

I had an e-mail sent to me with someone asking about open Masonic emblems in the "profane" world and I found myself scratching my head trying to think up some.

Now a lot of conspiracy buffs (nuts?) like to point to Washington D.C.


I ran across this piece just in my usual rooting out all things Masonic.

It is an interesting perspective on symbols and the use and teaching of them. The words "sermon in stone" really grabbed my attention by its depth and simplicity.

Freemasonry is a Sermon in Stone, even metaphoric stone...


Friday the 13th has traditionally been looked as a black day. A day filled with old superstitions and innuendo to bad things happening. Watch out for the black cats, ladders on the sidewalk, and breaking mirrors. But today is a 700 year anniversary to one of the darkest acts in history.

I was up late the other night, watching Nightline when they ended an episode with a segment on a thing called a "Mancation"

It's not in Webster's dictionary yet, so you have to broaden your search to the Urban Dictionary, where you will find the definition of Mancation as:

When normal males engage


General Tom Thumb, lesserly known now as Charles Stratton and the precursor to the Mini-Me we know today, is on display as the "Worlds Smallest Freemason".


I found this from brother Torres in the Philippines. Seems the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts has been running a commercial spot to garner some local attention. They have a compainon site to go along with it.


An interesting article in tomorrows New York Times on the Grand Lodge of New York.

Its like so many other pieces, it is on a fraternity coming out of the cloak of darkness into the public eye.

1° Tracing Board
1° Tracing Board
1° Tracing Board
Modern Masonic Board 2006
2° Tracing Board
2° Tracing Board
2° Tracing Board
Modern Masonic Board 2007
3° Tracing Board
3° Tracing Board
3° Tracing Board
Modern Masonic Board 2008
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As above ... so below
This site is dedicated to the further discovery of Light within Freemasonry. Its goal and purpose is to pursue a personal understanding of the divine in the context of the relativism of man and his nihilistic individuality.
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