The Zeitgeist of Freemasonry
Is Freemasonry an expression of the zeitgeist, or merely a participant in it? A brief article from Martin E. Marty in “The Christian Post” writes a cautionary tale about the similarities between old churches and Masonic temples, both being moth-balled and sold off in the hinterlands of America.
3The Voice of Freemasonry
As a Scottish Rite Freemason, I should be allowed to talk about this.
I’m curious why the Scottish Rite has taken it upon itself to speak for Freemasonry. Please, don’t take this the wrong way, the Scottish Rite represents a large section of Freemasons, and they do a lot of great work.
Masonry in the News....
Just a couple of brief items this morning…
I have distributed to me Masonic news, as it hits the news wire and some days it’s thick with stores about Masonic hospitals being the emergency rooms wounded people are taken to, and other times it is about local goings on with town masons.
Material Culture Freemason/Freemaison
Freemasonry is not a thing to be possessed. Nor is it something that is uniquely owned by anyone. As such, the influence and ideas of the ancient fraternity reach even beyond the walls of our ancient institution and seep into society at large.
2Hollywood Conspiracy
Hollywood Conspiracy
It looks like Freemaosnry has finally made it to Hollywood, but it's not in the films, but the folks that make things happen, or at least how it's described in this blog I stumbled on to.
Freemasons for Dummies
“Freemasonry is an Ancient Organization in a new world, and sometimes even secret societies have to blow the dust off themselves.” It has taken a while, but I finally finished reading “Freemasons for Dummies”, by Chris Hodapp. I am very familiar with the “…for Dummies” line of books.