Freemasonry in Romania
This is a brief post about Freemasonry blossoming in Romania.
This found its way into my mail box over the weekend. The article seems to be more about Masonry not being a secret, but it also talks about the inclusion of women into Freemasonry.
2Saint John the Baptist Day, Duality in One. June 24th.
The Saint’s Johns appear to Freemasons in several places in our catechisms. Their proximity and use in our rituals have been questioned for many years as to their use and placement. Looked at together, saint John the Baptist and St.
4Masonic Witchhunts
by W:.Tim Bryce, PM, MPS
Palm Harbor, Florida, USA
"A Foot Soldier for Freemasonry"
As we all know, a Masonic Lodge is supposed to be an honorable institution where Brothers are equal and enjoy harmony.
The Blog of Life: Freemason Jokes
The Blog of Life: Freemason Jokes
Something I found in the blog-o-sphere. Some good fun Masonic humor.
Things of late on the Travels...
I wanted to drop a quick post here to say that things are still afloat here, but busy, busy, busy.
I have been working on several projects in harmony with this Blog and with its parent site Freemason Information. It just seems like there is so little time in the day to get everything accomplished.