One Hundred
A Century has come. This is the 100th post on Masonic Traveler. I wondered what to do, how to make it special, even if it’s something to celebrate. I even pondered on whether or not it need be special.
4The RRCG's Erasure in Georgia
I want to preface this piece with some words from Illustrious Brother Albert Pike.
Good Morning America - Freemasonry
This is a composite from several messages that I have recieved. If you know of someone who would be interested in this, let them know about it.
This message was sent from Ron Seale, from the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite.
Dr. Jacob on GMA Wednesday - tentatively
This just in from a colleague of mine.
Professor Margaret Jacob will be interviewed on Monday by ABC news on the topic of freemasonry as a secret society -- separating fact from fiction. This will be part of a national television piece concerning secret societies in general it seems.
Decal Finalists
Ok, after a lot of quick surveying, these 2 are the finalists. The first one is the Grandfather's Social Club:
And then: You've Heard the Rumors..., but I changed the text to be less presumptions and more inviting.
I like some of the other ones, so I may make several of them.
Jon Swift and the Secret Cabal of Freemasonry
Jon Swift has written a tongue in cheek expose on the secret Cabal that is Freemasonry, presently sweeping the nation.
Marketing Freemasonry
Fellow Travelers, I apologize for not posting as quickly as I had before. Things lately have been hectic but I do see a light at the end of the tunnel.
In the mean time I've been mulling some marketing and have developed some bumper stickers.
More from the Cult of the NWO
I had to post a response to the exchange that has been going on here. Timothy, of TruthSeekers Ant-NWO corner continues on the vein of the how Freemasonry is fraught with peril and problems, ESPECIALLY to the Christian right.