Brotherly Love • Relief • Truth and Masonic Charity
What exactly does Masonic Charity mean? I've had two examples in the last week that have left me wondering what it means to be charitable, and especially as a Freemason, what that charity means.
I received 2 bits of mail this past week, one over the computer and one in the mail.
The Burning Taper: Behold your brothers!
The Burning Taper: Behold your brothers!
I'm borrowing this idea from The Burning Taper (thanks for posting this).
Boing Boing has a quick blurb on this from the 24th, and I had to mention it too. Seems that the Masonic Tattoo is making it big.
I found this one by accident here, but thought it makes for an interesting story.
Seems like another Masonic Temple is utilizing it's space out, but this time it's not just to an office or another fraternity. It seems the Masonic Temple in Toronto has been leased to MTV.
Roller derby and rollergirls news and commentary blog - Wayne's Derby World
Roller derby and rollergirls news and commentary blog - Wayne's Derby World
I stumbled on this by accident, but had to write something about it. First, its Roller Derby, that should be enough said, but my hat comes off for the Detroit Masonic Temple and it's revitalization.
Masonic Lodge goes to auction
I've already mentioned this before, but here again, we have another story of a lodge that is headed to auction.
Monday, August 8, 2005.
This story talks about 2 lodges merging with each having less than 20 members. When the lodge was constructed, it was made to hold over 200 members.
Ontario Empoblog
Ontario Empoblog
An interesting outlook to the history of Freemasonry. A respondent to the linked post goes into detail on the History of Freemason Secrecy is as a result of:
Freemasonry came about when the Masons were initiated into the Rosicrucian wisdom tradition.
Happy Birthday Brother. George.
I know, many have already said it, but since we, in America, celebrated it today, Happy Birthday Brother George.
George Wasington's Birthday is actually February 22nd, by our modern calendar, but celebrated today in honor of all past American Presidents.
The Kentroversy Papers: Spiritual and Astrotheological Motifs Related To Light
The Kentroversy Papers: Spiritual and Astrotheological Motifs Related To Light
This is a very interesting piece on Astrology and Astrotheology, written to examine the ever present quest for light in modern religion.
Fun piece on Blog Maconique.
There exists a great blog here on Freemasonry. It is in French and hard to get translated in totality, but piece by piece it's worth the work.
What caught my eye was a post on of all things, little masonic figures. They are 54mm, painted, and in the image of the Masonic degrees of Freemasonry.
Things from the past
I just ran across this post. The image is an interesting one, as is the blurb that accompanies it. This statue is atop a building in Mendocino. From the smaller image it's hard to make out, but enlarging it shows clearly the scythe from father time, the gentle maiden, and the broken pillar.
1The Cartoons on Why Freemasonry is Satanic
I ran across this today in my usual trolling of Freemasonry on the blogosphere. The story is a violent message of suicide induced by Familial membership to Freemasonry. That by inviting "witchcraft" into the house, recovery from the suicide is now spiritual warfare.
Here are a couple of panels.
Spinning Plates
I was recently sent a note from a very astute mason with these words that I thought would resonate to the readership.
"We need to make ourselves more understandable."
I agree with the message, but wonder to myself what that means.
Another Lodge Building Facing Destruction
"Masons built the temple in 1927 on a $31,500 budget. For most of its early years, the temple was the largest building in Concord that people could rent for social functions"
It seems this is the future and demise of so many former lodes, including my own here in Southern California, and abroad.
Joey's Buzz
Joey's Buzz
I can see why there is a concern for the legitimacy of Freemasonry in the public (and private) sector. But if the people making the back door deals were not masons, they would still be making deals.
On the Contrary: I Love My Own People, But I love the Truth More
On the Contrary: I Love My Own People, But I love the Truth More
I'm amazed at the depth of connection made of Freemasonry and the world.
Very well put
John Ratcliff's Weblog
This is truly an enlightened observation to Freemasonry and what it is. Sometimes, it makes you wonder why we all go into lodge to carry on the tradition, but really the lessons and community service out-strip the doubt.
Practical Theology Discussions: Freemasonry in Christianity --- Is there room on the pew?
Practical Theology Discussions: Freemasonry in Christianity --- Is there room on the pew?
I don't even know what part this is. I've been accused of misquoting and catogorizing Pastor Buice, whom I admire for his convictions and his zeal, but not for his reading.
Bro. Josh's Bible Thoughts: Intolerant, In a Tolerant World
Bro. Josh's Bible Thoughts: Intolerant, In a Tolerant World
Ok, yet another chapter in the rants on Tolerence, Freemasonry, and what Christ thinks. I am amazed at the candor of some on their beliefs, but then not surprised at this really.
The Freemasons --- Some Concerns Part 2
Ecclesiologistix: The Freemasons --- Some Concerns
More from an Evangelical position, this time analysis of the Hiriamic legend and the comparison to Christianity.
My response to the post on Ecclesiologistix.
You are correct, it does not "say" you are redeemed, but the resurrection represents "..
New Things on board
Freemason Information has undergone a few minor renovations. The BIGGEST AND MOST EXCITING addition is a new section dedicated to Worshipful Tim Bryce, formerly of Freemason for the Next Generation. He joined me some months back as a contributor with great insights and offerings.
Ecclesiologistix: The Freemasons --- Some Concerns
Ecclesiologistix: The Freemasons --- Some Concerns
Another evangelical with concerns on Freemasonry. It's interesting, like doing research on a project, to find out the people who have things to negatively say against Freemasonry.
Bro. Josh's Bible Thoughts: National Prayer Breakfast- U2? Not Me!
Bro. Josh's Bible Thoughts: National Prayer Breakfast- U2? Not Me!
I'm amazed at the level of intolerance in the world.
Why is it that because people believe differently than someone else does, it's wrong? I don't know if I get the US link at the prayer breakfast, but I think it's a good idea.
A Chave de Salom�o: Secrets of the Widow's Son : The Mysteries Surrounding the Sequel to The Da Vinci Code
A Chave de Salom�o: Secrets of the Widow's Son : The Mysteries Surrounding the Sequel to The Da Vinci Code
An interesting review of the book to come from Dan Brown. I have not read it, but from ythe sounds of the review, someone is doing their homework on Freemasonry.
Another Christian question
Yet another Christian question on Freemasonry.
It seems that there has been some signifigant damage done by someone to paint the Freemasons as bad guys.
John Ratcliff's Weblog
John Ratcliff's Weblog
A nice refreshing weblog. Probably a great example of what a weblog is supposed to be. And, it's a fun read.