When I joined freemasonry, it began with a dark and clouded knowledge of what else was out there. I never realized that there were "other" branches of Freemasonry that existed and practiced what I did.


The Magical Mysterious Mormon Underwear have been an interesting facet of Mormonism for many years. The drawing is of Joseph Smith's original Mormon garments, which curiously familiar Masonic emblems.


Masonic Reflections: Memorial Service

This is a blog by a fellow brother. This memorial is very elogent and purposeful! Wonderfully said brother.


What is it with the NWO'ers and the Illumanatiists, does it always come down to something sinister as changing the way the world thinks? This link is a site that says something "BIG" will happen in February with the Illumanati.


Detroit Culture Blog

An interesting write-up on the Detroit Masonic temple. The facility itself no longer houses meeting, so I've been told, but they are working to preserve it's memory. This write up is a Cultural Observation on the night life in Detroit at the old Temple.

theinsideclamdigger: More on the Founders and our USA

Truer words were never spoken. This short but concise piece on the founding fathers speaks eloquently on the nature of this countries foundation.

DINAH LORD: A salute to Robert Burns

A Nice tribute to Brother Robert Burns. He has a wing at the House of the Temple in Washington DC Scottish Rite Memorial.


Stars Over Washington

An interesting look at Brother Mozart. If your going to celebtare his birthday, why not get his astrological chart done too. A quick glance says "He IS the best, the archetypal musician, a 5th harmonic kind of guy."


Practical Theology Discussions: Freemasonry in Christianity --- Is there room on the pew?

the conversation contines...

Pastor Buice,

Let me respond briefly, though I appreciate and enjoy the conversation.

Practical Theology Discussions: Freemasonry in Christianity --- Is there room on the pew?

A 2nd response to pastor Josh Buice of Van Buren Baptist Chirch, who is an evangelical passionate preacher. You can read his arguement against Freemasonry at the link above.


Seems the Catholic church is pushing the fundamental tenants opf Freemasonry again, they must of forgotten about them somewhere along the way. But the ideas of eros, agape and caritas are coming back in vogue to the new pontif in his first encyclical.



A brother to be. From initiation to raising. I'm excited to read the progressive steps.

TruthSeeker24's anti-N.W.O. corner

Another New World Order'er. If Freemasons were as powerful as all these people proclaim, wouldn't we be be in charge?

My response to their rethoric:

Interesting entry here, and I appreciate the depth to which you have examined Freemasonry.


Practical Theology Discussions: Freemasonry in Christianity --- Is there room on the pew?

This is an anti-site from the Southern Baptist Church. My response to them:

I find it curious to deny a Christian access to a congregation to worship Jesus, who would turn away no one.

Fire Angel - Personal (R)evolution

Just another anti-Masonic blog to bring into the light. I love the days I get to root these out and comment on them.


third resurrection: interview between imam mustafa el-amin and cedric muhammad

Interesting connection here, through the part one link, to the Nation of Islams perspectives of Freemasonry as being an extension of Muslim worship practice.

From the February issue of SPIN magazine, under the section "WHAT I'm READING", page 93.

Pharrell Williams

The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown, doubleday 2003

"I'm fascinated with Masonic practices because they are instilled deeply in our government and culture.

I was searching the other day and ran across the site belief.net. It is a free membership based resource, online since 1999, whose focus is a multi-denominational approach to a web community offering support groups, prayer groups, friendship circles, and tracts of wisdom.

I've made this arguement before. Perhaps the vatican has it right in cpyrighting it's intellectual material and controling who uses it.


What is the message of Freemasonry? Not that we need to have one, and not that we really live by credo's and maxims to identify who we are, but in reading this article, here

The article is about a gubernatorial candidate for Ohio, and promoting him on the coat tails of Jesus.

Many Masonic brethren may not realize, but Freemasonry is still prevalent in modern art today. Specifically the Shriners, recognized by their characteristic Red fez's and jackets. The art portrays them as mid-century (1950's) party animals, typically caught in the act.


Just another small sampling of the blogs mentioning Freemasonry.

Irina is Always Right

Freemasonry and the layout of DC. Not a new story, but I think the streets do make some odd looking images, even as stick figures. It's a nice rant on masonry though, espicially from a non mason.


Just a short list of Blogs I found with some mention about freemasonry in them.

Whether or not it's relevent to what is written, I leave up to you.




no name

Maybe I'll find some more later.

Is Freemasonry ready for the Da Vinci Code?

the Da Vinci Code is poised for a theatrical release date of May 19, 2006. Likely, Dan Brown will be releasing his new work "The Solomon Key" will likely be released close to that date to help push the product.


I write this short article late after the first of the New Year for reflection and contemplation on what to write about.

The main site Freemason Information is nearing a year since it's inception (May of '05) and it has trafficked more than 14,000 views.

2° Tracing Board
2° Tracing Board
2° Tracing Board
Modern Masonic Board 2007
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Study what thou art, whereof thou art a part, what thou knowest of this art, this is really what thou art. All that is without thee is also within, thus wrote Trismosin
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