Rest in Peace Brother Ford.
From the Washington Post:
Gerald Rudolph Ford Jr., 93, who became the 38th president of the United States as a result of some of the most extraordinary events in U.S. history and sought to restore the nation's confidence in the basic institutions of government, has died.
Saint John the Evangelist
December 27th is Saint John the Evangelist day, which is the 2nd feast day in the year to celebrate the Holy Saints John.
Do our oaths matter?
I am a big proponent of convergence, things coming together in obscure and un-for-seen ways.
5A shameless self promotion...
This has been a pet project I have worked on for the last few months. But here, at the end of the year it is ready for its unveiling.
The 2007 decals have arrived.
I tried to make them as inexpensive as I could, I wish they could be free.
The lesson of the future can be imagined from the past.
This is a story about a device found in the Mediterranean, off of the Greek island of Antikythera. The device has been dated to 200-150 B.C.E. and was used, it is believed, to be a time keeping device that is also believed that the calculator could add, multiply, divide and subtract.
BlogFoot: Late-breaking Freemason news
BlogFoot: Late-breaking Freemason news
Not sure really how recent this is, but it appears that actor Bronson Pinchot has joined the ranks of the illustrious fraternity.
I found the story at the site above, but the original story is from the Pennsylvania Grand Lodge here.
Welcome Br. Pinchot.
The re-illumination of light
The hood is off, and Masonic Light has come back to illumination.
After its month long hiatus, the illustrious group has been reopened. I had reported earlier that it had been censured which wasn't necessarily the case (unless self censure fits that prescription).
Michael Richards, Know Thyself
"When you go into our lodge room, on the back of the Tiler's chair are the words "Know thyself". That's important.
7More on the Public Service announcement...
In many ways, the Masons embodied the eighteenth-century Enlightenment, which represented a budding Western commitment to rational argument, religious ecumenism, and tolerance for dissenting opinions It looks like the advertising in Massachusetts is working, and reaching an audience beyond the regul
2Masonic Magazine
I wanted to talk about something that many seem to already know about. But for those who don't, I wanted to introduce you to Masonic Magazine.
I remember coming across Masonic Magazine a year or so ago, at the point that the first issue was coming together.
Of late I have been digging. Digging into the history of Freemasonry to find out more of where we came from. Why have I been digging you may ask? Really, my purpose was to better understand what we are doing, and why we do it. And truthfully, I am coming to some perhaps unconventional conclusions.
by W:.Tim Bryce, PM, MPS
Palm Harbor, Florida, USA
"A Foot Soldier for Freemasonry"
I guess it is time for me to finally weigh in on the subject of recognizing Prince Hall Masonry.
Colorado Freemason
Colorado Freemason
New Blog on the block. I stumbled into it without really realizing it.
Great read and an interesting story to tell, probably one like so many of our own.
So, what are we to do with the masons?
I ran across this 7 part series a few weeks back, and have been waiting for its conclusion and time to talk about it. Really, what this series strikes me as is the anecdotal revelation of a failed evangelical minister, but I hate to cast any dispersion on the author.
1The Three Faces of Brother George
A new exhibit at the home of George Washington on Mount Vernon is opening with a flavor to de-diefy George Washington and try to project him as a the mortal he was.
A first time for everything...
This last week I was asked to give an interview, based on a recent comment I made about a blog post.
The original post was about a fellow who visited a Masonic Lodge in Amsterdam during an open house.
Masonic Light Goes Dark
I found this post from Br. Hodapp's blog this morning, which came to me as a huge shock.
It seems another source of Masonic light has been extinguished, or, at least for now, been shuttered for a time.
Coincidences and Tangents-Sandusky, Ohio
I had an e-mail sent to me with someone asking about open Masonic emblems in the "profane" world and I found myself scratching my head trying to think up some.
Now a lot of conspiracy buffs (nuts?) like to point to Washington D.C.
I ran across this piece just in my usual rooting out all things Masonic.
It is an interesting perspective on symbols and the use and teaching of them. The words "sermon in stone" really grabbed my attention by its depth and simplicity.
Freemasonry is a Sermon in Stone, even metaphoric stone...
Today - Friday, October 13th, 1307
Friday the 13th has traditionally been looked as a black day. A day filled with old superstitions and innuendo to bad things happening. Watch out for the black cats, ladders on the sidewalk, and breaking mirrors. But today is a 700 year anniversary to one of the darkest acts in history.
Does Freemasnory need a Mancation?
I was up late the other night, watching Nightline when they ended an episode with a segment on a thing called a "Mancation"
It's not in Webster's dictionary yet, so you have to broaden your search to the Urban Dictionary, where you will find the definition of Mancation as:
When normal males engage
The Skull of the Smallest Freemason...
General Tom Thumb, lesserly known now as Charles Stratton and the precursor to the Mini-Me we know today, is on display as the "Worlds Smallest Freemason".
1Men of greatness...
I found this from brother Torres in the Philippines. Seems the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts has been running a commercial spot to garner some local attention. They have a compainon site to go along with it.
1Freemasonry in the NY Times
An interesting article in tomorrows New York Times on the Grand Lodge of New York.
Its like so many other pieces, it is on a fraternity coming out of the cloak of darkness into the public eye.
Going National...
Before you read it somewhere else, it may be easier to read from within.
It looks like the debate in Alabama is hitting the national news wire. The Washington Post
is running an Associated Press story that has a few quotes from the Grand Lodge of Alabama's Grand Master on the goings on there.
I found myself wondering where did the A.L. dating come from and why is it relevant to Freemasonry. I wanted to find out what the infamous Masonic dating we so often see following an exaggerated date such as 6010 A.L. meant.
3Are you Job?
I ran across this site on a random search of all things Masonic, and at first hesitated on it, but after reading through it found it to be quite interesting and worth spending more time on.
The premise is essentially an analysis of the "Book of Job" from the Old Testament.
Into the realm of dark mysteries
A friend, Post-Atomic, pointed this piece out to me... I couldn't let it go by.
I need to caution you, a Catholic has infiltrated and observed the secret teachings of Freemasonry and has run off and write an expose book about them.
Masonic Scents
I received this a while back, but have been sitting on it trying to figure out what the story behind it was. But alas, like all good mysteries, this one remains unsolved.
1What we as Masons leave behind...
This is a short post, on a story I came across today from the Norwich Bulletin, out of Connecticut.
The article isn’t a long one, and is really a local piece, but it serves as a reminder of the “treasures” our forbearers left behind for us at the corners of our temples we use today.
Masons in Wilmington break color barrier
Somehow, in the midst of a very busy weekend I missed this story. I would have missed it today on my daily e-mail purge had I not taken the time to check it.
1Hollywood, Jimmy Kimmel, and Freemasonry
The Neoclassical El Capitan Entertainment Centre
began life in 1921 as a Masonic temple.
These three things have no apparent connection but are actually intricately tied together in the legacy that is Hollywood.
Wiccan symbol update
I wrote about this story in March of this year, and this is an update that I happened to run into today in the newspaper (remember that thing that we once received on our door steps).
The original story was that a Nevada National Guard’s man, Sgt.
by W:.Tim Bryce, PM, MPS
Palm Harbor, Florida, USA
"A Foot Soldier for Freemasonry"
Conceptually, No, Freemasonry is not a business.
The Misconceptions about Freemasonry
Br. Chris Hodapp, author of “Freemasonry for Dummies” was in the news feed this morning from a letter he wrote to Matt C. Abbot, at Renew America, a grassroots political site for Alan Keyes.