The Blue Cards.
Recently, I started a campaign of communication. I wanted to reach as many brother Master Mason's as I could with the hope of opening a path of communication to each of them with my site.
18Benjamin Franklin Tercentenary
Happy 300th Birthday, Ben! He drew lightning from the sky, helped establish the first public hospital, university and library, and went on to shape an independent and unified nation, as well as the American character.
Masonic Imagery
I question whether or not this piece is Masonic or not. The translation reads
durch arbeit zur einigkeit - by work to the agreement
which could have a lot of meanings. I do find the eye and the pyramid are intriguing, and overall this is an interesting piece.
Freemasonry and the Blogosphere...
I've had the opportunity recently to come across 2 interesting blogs:
I will be linking to soon here. Both are by brothers of the craft, one with a list of credentials as long as a cable tow, the other newly raised.